Pilonidal Sinus Zentrum München

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Info Flyer Praxis deutsch

Pit Picking OP

Therapieablauf Pit Picking Op bei Steißbeinfistel in Lokalanästhesie
Info Flyer: Behandlungsablauf bei Pit Picking OP

Karydakis OP

Alles über die Karydakis OP im Pilonidalsinus Zentrum München
Info Flyer: Behandlungsablauf bei Karydakis OP

Laser Behandlung

Lasertherapie bei Steißbeinfistel Info Flyer
Info Flyer: Laser bei Steißbeinfistel

Laser Anwendungen

Informationsflyer zur Laser Technologie und Anwendung bei Steißbeinfistel, Haarentfernung, Hämorrhoiden und Varizen
Laserbehandlungen in der Proktologie - Informationen für Patienten

Info Flyer Praxis englisch

Pit Picking OP

Treatment procedure for Pit Picking OP english
Info Flyer: Behandlungsablauf bei Pit Picking OP (english)

Karydakis OP

Info Flyer: Behandlungsablauf bei Karydakis OP (english)

Laser Treatment

Info Flyer Laser Therapy Pilonidal Sinus
Info Flyer: Laser in Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

Formulare / Forms

Anmeldung Privatpatienten (d)

Formular zur Einverständniserklärung in die Abrechnung durch bfs+

Registration for Private Patients (e)

Form for consent to invoicing by bfs+

Privatärztlicher Behandlungsvertrag


Contract for Private Patients

Treatment Contract for Private Patients

Antrag auf Kostenübernahme IGV

Einwilligung Antrag Einzelfallentscheidung

Datenfreigabe Erklärung IGV

Einwilligung in die Datenübertragung bei Abrechnung über Versorgungsvertrag Betriebskrankenkassen


Steißbeinfistel allgemein, Wundversorgung

Ardelt, M., Dittmar, Y., Kocijan, R., Rödel, J., Schulz, B., Scheuerlein, H., & Settmacher, U. (2016). Microbiology of the infected recurrent sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus. International Wound Journal, 13(2), 231-237.

Armstrong, D. G., Bohn, G., Glat, P., Kavros, S. J., Kirsner, R., Snyder, R., & Tettelbach, W. (2015). Expert Recommendations for the Use of Hypochlorous Solution: Science and Clinical Application. Ostomy/wound management, 61(5), S2–S19.

Aysan, E., Ilhan, M., Bektas, H., Kaya, E. A., Sam, B., Buyukpinarbasili, N., & Muslumanoglu, M. (2013). Prevalence of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus as a silent disease. Surgery today, 43(11), 1286–1289.

Bascom, J. (1980). Pilonidal disease: origin from follicles of hairs and results of follicle removal as treatment. Surgery, 87(5), 567-572.

Bosche, F., Luedi, M., Zypen, D., Moersdorf, P., Krapohl, B., & Doll, D. (2017). The Hair in the Sinus: Sharp-Ended Rootless Head Hair Fragments can be Found in Large Amounts in Pilonidal Sinus Nests. World Journal of Surgery, 42(2), 567-573.

Carter, D., Blair, S., Cokcetin, N., Bouzo, D., Brooks, P., Schothauer, R., & Harry, E. (2016). Therapeutic Manuka Honey: No Longer So Alternative. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7,

Cubukçu, A., Carkman, S., Gönüllü, N. N., Alponat, A., Kayabaşi, B., & Eyüboğlu, E. (2001). Lack of evidence that obesity is a cause of pilonidal sinus disease. The European journal of surgery = Acta chirurgica, 167(4), 297–298. 

Curtis, A. (2018). Why use manuka honey?. The Veterinary Nurse, 9(10), 513-524.

Dahl, H. D., & Henrich, M. H. (1992). Licht- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur Pathogenese des Sinus pilonidalis und der Analfistel [Light and scanning electron microscopy study of the pathogenesis of pilonidal sinus and anal fistula]. Langenbecks Archiv fur Chirurgie, 377(2), 118–124

Davis, K. A., Mock, C. N., Versaci, A., & Lentrichia, P. (1994). Malignant degeneration of pilonidal cysts. The American surgeon60(3), 200–204.

Delshad, H., Dawson, M., Melvin, P., Zotto, S., & Mooney, D. (2019). Pit-picking resolves pilonidal disease in adolescents. Journal of pediatric surgery, 54(1), 174-176.

Dill D. (2013) Herausforderungen in der Nagelchirurgie. Eingewachsene Nägel: hohes Rezidivrisiko auch bei OP. Symposium „Haare und Nägel“. ästhetische dermatologie & kosmetologie volume 5, page15

Doll, D., Bosche, F., Hauser, A., Moersdorf, P., Sinicina, I., Grunwald, J., Reckel, F., & Luedi, M. (2018). The presence of occipital hair in the pilonidal sinus cavity—a triple approach to proof. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 33(5), 567-576.

Fernández, L. G., Matthews, M. R., & Seal, L. (2020). Intraabdominal Lavage of Hypochlorous Acid: A New Paradigm for the Septic and Open Abdomen. Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice, 32(4), 107–114.

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Girma, A., Seo, W., & She, R. (2019). Antibacterial activity of varying UMF-graded Manuka honeys. PLoS ONE, 14(10),

Gold, M. H., Andriessen, A., Bhatia, A. C., Bitter, P., Jr, Chilukuri, S., Cohen, J. L., & Robb, C. W. (2020). Topical stabilized hypochlorous acid: The future gold standard for wound care and scar management in dermatologic and plastic surgery procedures. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(2), 270–277.

Harriott, M. M., Bhindi, N., Kassis, S., Summitt, B., Perdikis, G., Wormer, B. A., Rankin, T. M., Kaoutzanis, C., Samaha, M., Stratton, C., & Schmitz, J. E. (2019). Comparative Antimicrobial Activity of Commercial Wound Care Solutions on Bacterial and Fungal Biofilms. Annals of plastic surgery, 83(4), 404–410. 

Jackman, R. (1962). The etiology of pilonidal sinus. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 5(1), 28–36-28&ndash-ndash;36-28–36.

Kucera, J., Coley, I., O’Hara, S., Kosnik, E., & Coley, B. (2014). The simple sacral dimple: diagnostic yield of ultrasound in neonates. Pediatric Radiology, 45(2), 211-216.

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Martino, A., De Martino, C., Pisapia, A., Maharajan, G., & Evangelista, M. (2011). Squamous-cell carcinoma arising in a pilonidal sinus: case report and review of the literature. BMC Geriatrics, 11(Suppl1), A28-A28.

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Ommer, A., Berg, E., Breitkopf, C., Bussen, D., Doll, D., Fürst, A., Herold, A., Hetzer, F., Jacobi, T., Krammer, H., Lenhard, B., Osterholzer, G., Petersen, S., Ruppert, R., Schwandner, O., Sailer, M., Schiedeck, T., Schmidt-Lauber, M., Stoll, M., Strittmatter, B., & Iesalnieks, I. (2014).S3-Leitlinie: Sinus pilonidalis. coloproctology, 36(4), 272-322.

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Karydakis, G. (1974). New approach to the problem of pilonidal sinus.. Lancet (London, England), 2(7843), 1414-5.

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Tezel, E., Leventoglu, S., & Wysockı, A. (2019). Trends toward atailored approach for pilonidal sinus disease. coloproctology, 41(2), 121-126.

Wilson, P., Hayes, E., Barber, A., & Lohr, J. (2016). Screening for Spinal Dysraphisms in Newborns With Sacral Dimples. Clinical Pediatrics, 55(11), 1064-1070.

Yildiz, T., Elmas, B., Yucak, A., Turgut, H. T., & Ilce, Z. (2017). Risk Factors for Pilonidal Sinus Disease in Teenagers. Indian journal of pediatrics, 84(2), 134–138.

Ypsilantis, E., Carapeti, E., & Chan, S. (2015). The use of topical 10% metronidazole in the treatment of non-healing pilonidal sinus wounds after surgery. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 31(3), 765-767.


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Fernandez, A., França, K., Chacon, A., & Nouri, K. (2013). From flint razors to lasers: a timeline of hair removal methods. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 12(2), 153-162.

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Plastische Verschlußtechniken

Bascom, J., & Bascom, T. (2002). Failed Pilonidal Surgery: New Paradigm and New Operation Leading to Cures. Archives of Surgery, 137(10), 1146-1150.

Bozkurt, M., & Tezel, E. (2005). Management of pilonidal sinus with the limberg flap. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 41(6), 775-777

Favuzza, J., Brand, M., Francescatti, A., & Orkin, B. (2015). Cleft lift procedure for pilonidal disease: technique and perioperative management. Techniques in Coloproctology, 19(8), 477-482.

Maruyama, Y. (2001). Sacral Adipofascial Turn‐Over Flap for the Excisional Defect of Pilonidal Sinus. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 108(7), 2006–2010-2006.

Petersen, S., Aumann, G., Kramer, A., Doll, D., Sailer, M., & Hellmich, G. (2007). Short-term results of Karydakis flap for pilonidal sinus disease. Techniques in Coloproctology, 11(3), 235-240.

Wysocki, A.P., & Doll, .D. (2019). Missing Points in Pilonidal Disease: Management. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 62(4),


Dessily, M., Dziubeck, M., Chahidi, E., & Simonelli, V. (2019). The SiLaC procedure for pilonidal sinus disease: long-term outcomes of a single institution prospective study. Techniques in Coloproctology, 23(12), 1133-1140.

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Meinero, P., Mori, L., & Gasloli, G. (2013). Endoscopic pilonidal sinus treatment (E.P.Si.T.). Techniques in Coloproctology, 18(4), 389-392.

Milone, M., Musella, M., Di Spiezio Sardo, A., Bifulco, G., Salvatore, G., Sosa Fernandez, L., Bianco, P., Zizolfi, B., Nappi, C., & Milone, F. (2014). Video-assisted ablation of pilonidal sinus: A new minimally invasive treatment—A pilot study. Surgery, 155(3), 562-566.

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Behandlung ohne Operation

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Arslan NC, Degirmenci AK, Ozdenkaya Y, Terzi C. Wound Irrigation with Chlorhexidine Gluconate Reduces Surgical Site Infection in Pilonidal Disease: Single-Blind Prospective Study. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2020 Mar;21(2):143-149. 

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Pit Picking

Bosche, F., Luedi, M., Zypen, D., Moersdorf, P., Krapohl, B., & Doll, D. (2017). The Hair in the Sinus: Sharp-Ended Rootless Head Hair Fragments can be Found in Large Amounts in Pilonidal Sinus Nests. World Journal of Surgery, 42(2), 567-573.

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Akne inversa

Saunte, D., & Jemec, G. (2017). Hidradenitis Suppurativa. JAMA, 318(20), 2019-2032.

Ayurvedische Medizin