Ihre Experten für Steißbeinfistel / Sinus pilonidalis

Willkommen in unserer spezialisierten Praxis in München – Ihrem Zentrum für die schonende Behandlung von Steißbeinfisteln! Mit modernsten, minimal-invasiven Verfahren wie Lasertherapie und optimierter Lokalanästhesie sorgen wir für eine Behandlung, die schmerzarm, effektiv und unkompliziert ist.

Für Sie bedeutet das: kürzere Heilungszeiten, weniger Einschränkungen im Alltag und eine schnelle Rückkehr zu dem, was Ihnen wichtig ist. Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Ihre Fragen und Bedürfnisse und begleiten Sie kompetent und einfühlsam auf Ihrem Weg zur Genesung. 

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Pilonidal Sinus Zentrum München
Bernhard Hofer - jameda.de

Where are you at the moment?

Diagnosis unclear

Do I really have a Pilonidal sinus?

OP planned

Ignore? Operate? And if so, how?

Pilonidal Sinus Recurrence

I've already had surgery. The fistula's back. What to do?

Das Original: Pilonidalsinus Zentrum München seit 2012

Eine Diagnose wie Sinus pilonidalis wirft oft viele Fragen auf und kann verunsichern – vor allem, wenn die Beschwerden den Alltag stark beeinträchtigen. Seit 2004 beschäftigen wir uns intensiv mit minimal-invasiven Therapien und haben dabei eine besondere Expertise aufgebaut. Auch in komplexen Fällen oder nach mehrfachen Rückfällen können wir häufig mit schonenden Methoden helfen, wo andernorts zu größeren Eingriffen geraten wird. Auch wenn sich inzwischen viele auf die Behandlung von Steißbeinfisteln konzentrieren, bieten wir Ihnen den Vorteil jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung.

The pilonidal sinus is a simple disease.

Versteckte Fallstricke erkennen und meistern

Der vermeintlich kleine Eingriff kann unerwartet große Folgen haben. Diese Probleme wollen wir verhindern:

  • Long healing time and inability to work
  • Extensive and painful wound treatment,
  • frequent wound healing disorders
  • high relapse rate of up to 57 %(Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2019)
  • scarring 
  • Repeated hospital stays
  • Loss of income and career interruption 
  • Restrictions in sports fitness, weight gain
  • Restrictions of body feeling and sexuality

10 reasons why patients choose us

Pilonidal sinus, also known as pilonidal sinus or pilonidal sinus, usually occur in the gluteal fold and are often associated with unpleasant symptoms. The causes are varied. Typical symptoms include pain, swelling and pus secretions, which can severely affect your everyday life. Many sufferers hesitate to seek treatment because they are unsure which doctor is the right person to contact. As a modern practice in Munich, we specialize precisely in this disease and its treatment.


Operationen (Stand 27.11.2024)


Behandlungsfälle (Stand 27.11.2024)

Laser Treatments

Laser Erfahrung seit 2012

1. Erfahrung aus 22 Jahren Laser und 7400 OPs

Why do you need a specialist for this disease? Although Pilonidal Sinus is a skin disease, most patients initially consult their family doctor. They are then usually referred to a surgeon.

In Germany, around 50,000 patients are operated on for pilonidal sinus every year. This means that each surgeon treats an average of only 1.4 patients with this condition per year. With such a small number of cases, it is impossible to gain comprehensive experience.

It is therefore crucial to choose a doctor who has extensive experience and expertise in modern surgical methods and specializes in the treatment of coccyx fistulas. Choose our practice to benefit from the most modern surgical methods and experienced specialists for your optimal health!

2. the entire spectrum of advanced therapy: pit picking, sinusectomy, SiLaC™, EPSiT

Less is more: Based on the pit-picking technique developed in England and popularized in the USA, different variations of this gentle treatment are available.

Under pit picking refers to the selective removal of the affected hair roots as skin cylinders 2-5 mm in diameter and the cleaning of the fistula tract from deposited hair fragments. The more perfectly this is done, the lower the risk of the fistula forming again.

Pit picking is always combined with treatment of the tubular fistula tract:

  • Laser treatment of the fistula from the inside with a glass fiber probe (SiLaC®)
  • Precise excision along the fistula capsule(sinusectomy or fistulectomy).
  • Video endoscopic surgery (Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Therapy EPSiT)

All of these modern procedures are designed to make the healing process as gentle and quick as possible and save you a long downtime.

3. cutting-edge medicine for all

In unserer Praxis ist es uns ein besonderes Anliegen, moderne Medizin für alle zugänglich zu machen – unabhängig davon, ob Sie gesetzlich oder privat versichert sind. Dank unserer vollen Zulassung für ambulante Operationen und integrierte Versorgung profitieren alle unsere Patienten von unseren fortschrittlichen Operationsmethoden. Seit Anfang 2024 gehören die Laseroperationen dank der Hybrid-DRG auch zum Leistungskatalog aller gesetzlichen Krankenversicherungen.


Die einzige Ausnahme bleibt die Laser-Haarentfernung, die weiterhin als IGeL-Selbstzahlerleistung angeboten wird. Doch auch hier bieten wir faire und transparente Preise an, denn Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden sollten für jeden erschwinglich sein. Weitere Informationen zur Abrechnung und Kostenübernahme – auch für Patienten aus dem europäischen und außereuropäischen Ausland – finden Sie auf dieser Seite.

Steissbeinfistel OP Krankenkasse - Karte nicht vergessen!

Good decisions are based on experience.

4. painless, outpatient treatment under local anesthesia directly on the day of the examination

Vollnarkose und Krankenhausaufenthalt? Nicht bei unseren minimal-invasiven Operationen. Eine örtliche Betäubung mit der bewährten Tumeszenz-Anästhesie genügt, um die Behandlung sicher und komfortabel durchzuführen. Komplikationen bei der Pit-Picking-Operation sind extrem selten, schwerwiegende Probleme nahezu ausgeschlossen. Deshalb können wir diese ambulante Methode auch Patienten mit längerer Heimreise guten Gewissens anbieten.

Für Ihre Sicherheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden steht Ihnen der Operateur nach dem Eingriff rund um die Uhr telefonisch zur Verfügung. In 99 % der Fälle gelingt uns eine vollständig schmerzfreie Behandlung mit Lokalanästhesie. Sollte diese ausnahmsweise nicht ausreichen oder bei komplexeren Eingriffen, führen wir die Behandlung unter Vollnarkose in unserem ambulanten OP-Zentrum (Iatros-Klinik) durch – meist können Sie auch hier noch am selben Tag nach Hause.

Schmerzmittel wie Ibuprofen werden in den ersten zwei Wochen meist nur bei Bedarf benötigt. Stärkere Medikamente brauchen unsere Patienten normalerweise nicht.

5. easy appointment scheduling via our online calendar

Making appointments in our practice is particularly simple and flexible.

  • In the event of acute pain, you can contact us at any time by sending an informal e-mail to info@darmsprechstunde.de come directly to us - we will treat you immediately.
  • If you would like an examination and consultation with time for reflection, you can conveniently arrange a appointment via our online calendar.
  • For patients who want to save time, we offer the all-in-one appointment: Send us photo documentation of your complaints in advance and get everything you need done in just one day. This means you receive the best possible treatment quickly and efficiently.
Pilonidal Sinus OP aftercare via app
Pilonidal Sinus OP aftercare via app - here are the links

6. aftercare: wound consultation and via the ArztDirekt app

We will not leave you alone after the operation. A successful operation alone does not guarantee a smooth recovery. We will provide you with detailed advice on follow-up treatment at the time of your operation. With our support, a relative can become your personal wound specialist. We use the secure Doctor Direct Messenger for this purpose.

Our information brochures will tell you what to expect during the healing process.

During the follow-up treatment in the practice, your surgeon will personally take care of the optimal healing process.

In our wound and laser consultation, your wound will be professionally cared for by a trained and experienced therapist.

8. prospects of success

The modern surgical techniques of pit picking and sinusectomy have proven to be superior methods for the treatment of coccyx fistulas. With success rates of over 90 %, they are clearly the better alternatives to conventional procedures. In comparison, traditional operations such as the "Metzger" operation have a high recurrence rate of up to 40 %.

9. recurrence prophylaxis through laser epilation

Studies show that the removal of hair by laser epilation in the affected area significantly reduces the likelihood of recurrence. "Laser hair removal has proven to be an effective method to reduce the recurrence rate in Pilonidal Sinus patients," explains Dr. Hofer, founder of the Pilonidal Sinus Center in Munich.

A large meta-analysis from the Netherlands confirms: "Patients who underwent post-operative laser epilation were 50% less likely to have a recurrence." This makes laser epilation a valuable part of aftercare for Pilonidal Sinus operations.

10. experiences and ratings


Why Pilonidal Sinus should not be left untreated

Many sufferers put up with the unpleasant symptoms of Pilonidal Sinus for longer than necessary - but that doesn't have to be the case. Persistent pain, abscesses and inflammation can be easily avoided with timely treatment. If you act early, you can permanently rid yourself of the fistula with a minor procedure and quickly return to your usual quality of life. Ensure your well-being and don't let the discomfort become a burden.

Your advantages in our practice at a glance

  • Our Munich specialist practice offers you numerous advantages that you will hardly find anywhere else:
  • SpecializationOur team exclusively treats Pilonidal Sinus and Pilonidal Disease - we are true experts in this field.
  • Individual careEach treatment is individually tailored to your situation so that you receive the best possible care.
  • Short waiting timesThanks to our specialization, we can offer you prompt appointments and quick treatment options.

How the treatment works with us

The course of treatment is always individually tailored to your needs. First, we carry out a thorough examination to determine the exact course and depth of the fistula. We then discuss the best possible treatment for your pilonidal sinus. Depending on the findings and your personal preferences, this may be an outpatient or inpatient treatment. Our aim is always to make the procedure as painless and gentle as possible.

Aftercare and healing - we won't leave you alone

After treatment, the right aftercare is crucial. At our practice in Munich, we will support you throughout the healing phase until your wound is completely healed. Regular check-ups ensure that there is no re-inflammation and that you will soon be able to move freely again. We are at your side as a reliable partner throughout the entire process.

Make your appointment now at the Pilonidal Sinus Center Munich

Do you suffer from Pilonidal Sinus and are you looking for an experienced specialist? Don't hesitate and make an appointment today at our Pilonidal Sinus practice in Munich. Thanks to state-of-the-art procedures, comprehensive expertise and compassionate care, we are your first choice for the treatment of pilonidal sinus.

Take the path to your recovery with us - Make an appointment now!

Pilonidalsinus Zentrum Dr. Hofer und Liebl Proktologen transparent Logo

Dr. Bernhard Hofer – Florian Liebl

Specialists in Visceral Surgery and Proctology - PartG mbB

Brienner Str. 13, D-80333 München im Luitpoldblock

Berufsverband der Coloproktologen Deutschlands e.V. Logo
Zertifiziertes Kompetenzzentrum
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie (DGK)
IPS International Pilonidal Society transparent Logo

 Monday to Friday

08.00 - 13.00  

14.00 - 18.00

Saturday, Sunday, public holiday closed

© 2024 Proctology Practice Munich